Stanley Waldon

Stanley Waldon

Part-Time Faculty, Piano

Stanley Waldon


Stanley Waldon is a graduate of Wayne State University with a BS degree in Vocal Music Education, M.Ed., Guidance and Counseling; and D.Ed., Educational Administration and Supervision. While teaching in the public school system, he taught theory for the non music major at WSU. After a successful career with Detroit Public Schools, he has joined the staff of WSU teaching piano skills. As a student, and professionally, he has been the pianist for the Award Winning WSU Men's Glee Club and toured Europe with them and director, Dr. Harry Langsford numerous summers. He is the pianist for WSU graduate, George Shirley. Others with whom he works or has worked are Florence Quivare, Rackham Symphony Choir, MOT Chorus, Donald Vails Choraleers, and the Whitfield Co. He has toured China and South America with the MI Tech University Choir directed by WSU graduate, Dr. Milton Olsson. Presently he is director of the Chancel Choir, Peoples Community Church and the director of the Male Chorus, Hartford Memorial Baptist Church. 

Courses taught by Stanley Waldon

Winter Term 2025 (future)

Fall Term 2024

Winter Term 2024

Fall Term 2023

Winter Term 2023

Fall Term 2022

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